Coil Basket Making

When: Sunday, October 29th 2023, Start Time: 10:00, End Time: 16:30

Where: The Old Brewery Burnside Place, Cromarty IV11 8XQ

Part of:
Applied Craft Workshops

THIS COURSE IS NOW SOLD OUT, please let us know if you would to be added to the mailing list for future workshops with Aurore. She will be back next year!

This one day workshop is a brief introduction to the world of coiled basketry. RE-SCHEDULED FROM 21 MAY and with new tutor Aurore Whitworth from The Wild Croft.

This one-day workshop is a brief introduction to the world of coiled basketry

The coiling technique for basketry has been used across the globe for millennia. Aurore will introduce you to some of the many materials and techniques that can be used by beginners. At the end of the day you will go home with a least one coiled basket crafted with your very own hands and the confidence and experience to do more! Materials and tools will be provided.

Aurore started her basketry journey with coiled baskets, a craft she learnt with the late Jeanette Nowak in Shetland.  Coiling is a technique used in basketry the world over for millenia. Its used to make practical items but also items for purely aesthetic value, they are items of beauty and ceremony. Traditionally coiling has used materials growing and available in local environments, but modern society offers makers the chance to use almost any material available easily and this offers us a chance to be infinitely creative in how we approach our individual making projects.

A selection of materials will be available for experimentation. If you have materials you would like to try and incorporate into your project please feel free to bring them along. The workshop will involve extensive stitching and threading so be prepared for that! Needles and some basic tools will be provided but if you have favourite scissors bring them along.

£75. Download booking form here.

Bring a packed lunch, tea and coffee available.

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Highland Cup Carving

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Screen Printing for Children

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Silver Jewellery

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Fair Isle Knitting

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Stone Letter Carving

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Sewing - Garment Making

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Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018